Hernandez de Rojas

Senior Business Development & Digital Manager. Telefonica. Spain

VISION: Building up a Digital Business is a matter of experience and inspiration, but not only in one specific area. It is more like an orchestra where your Business Model is a combination of several Key Facts: a team working creating an innovative value proposition with a product, and of course, a sucessful and lean interaction with your Customer. Technology is important but it is only a single point: I love intra/entrepreneurship over all… but always under this broad scope. Right now IT companies & Telcos are more than bytes coming up and down or an app running on our smart phones. They must transform themselves to offer services in a new complete different eco-environment when our customers have huge expectations. Where the products are mixed up within different devices, platforms and environments; when competitors are out there and manytimes you have to get valuable deals with; when players are changing and there are hundred of unknown risks. Digital Bussines works this way.
My experience along these years has been focused around Custormer. But I feel that there are a cross-contamination between sectors. Digital Life may can sound hype but nowadays it is a true. It is a whole different «thing» changing everyday and perhaps the more innovative enterprises are now the smallest… but they will have the answer for this rightnow future!

Several positions and responsabilities in Telefónica España related with Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0, IOT/Big Data. Working for Digital Business Department. Enterprises & Public Sector.

Professor in several masters. Also online education. Digital Transformation, Big Data Analytics & Digital Business Innovation. Startups, Intra/Entrepreneurship.