Professional Networking

100% online

Program Overview

The main objective of this course is to provide executives with a road map to develop a simpler and more authentic way to meet people that allows them to connect deeply and turn those relationships into fuel for better personal and professional growth. This course is crafted to assist executives to increase their net worth by expanding their network and understanding how science contributes to leveraging human connections. During the course, we will reveal several scientific formulas that influence human behaviors, design a strategic thinking map to achieve business growth, and examine hands-on case studies.

I The value of relationships: leverage the power of human connection
II The art of active networks: how to Build a high impact network
III Networking 3.0 (Online Networks)
IV Your networking action plan

• Learn about the mindset required for success in 21st century business
• Change to the art of active networks: How to build a high impact network
• Learn how to leverage your relationships (offline and online)
• Understand how empathy is the key in network


Dr. Cecilia Kindelan (Spain)

Corporate Communications Professor, University of Barcelona